Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Common Dental Problems in Dogs

Dogs are also like human beings. They also have their own dental issues. I'll give you some idea about the common dental problems of your dogs. Knowing this problems, you'll be able to feel the urge to prevent this from happening to your dog.

Dental problems in dogs:

  • Plaque. This is the accumulation of food particles and bacteria along the the gumline.
  • Tartar. This is form if unremoved plaque is combined with minerals in the saliva. 
  • Periodontal Disease. A serious infection that spreads to the tissues and bone in which the teeth are rooted causing loss of the teeth.
  • Gengivitis. This is the inflammation of the gums caused by accumulation of food particles in the crevices between the gums and the teeth.
  • Broken teeth. This is commonly caused by aggressive chewing on hard objects.

Most common signs of oral disease which you would watch out for:
  • Increase salivation
  • Yellow and brown tartar bulidup
  • Missing or loose teeth
  • Bleeding
  • Bad breath
  • Red inflamed gums
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Change in eating habits
  • Pawing at the mouth
If you every observe any of these in your dog, contact your Veterinary for advice and check-ups. Never take this for granted. Some disease can cause a dogs death. You don't want that to happen to your dog right? Schedule your dog for annual dental check-up if you have to. Act now before its too late.  :) 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to Deal with Dog's Menstruation

I have already provided you with some basic information about dog's menstrual cycle yesterday. I guess I have to share how to deal with your dog during her menstrual period. Now they tend to get messy around if you don't take care of them. This tips might give you some idea how to deal with it. :)

  • If your dog is bleeding heavily, purchase a dog diaper or  pants. If your on a tight budget and don't have any money to buy some diaper, you can make use of a man's underwear on her. Put the underwear backwards and put the dog's  tail out through the fly or cut a little hole, enough for her tail to fit. Then put a menstrual pad or pantyliner inside the underpants.
  • If she refuses to wear underpants, put her in one room with a floor that is easy to clean. Use baby gate to close her on a room when she is bleeding the heaviest.
  • Stay close to your dog whenever she is outside. Male dogs can smell a female dog in heat and will tend to have intercourse with her, even if they have to climb or dig under a fence. 
  • Take your dog outside more frequently during her menstrual period. This will allow her for more frequent urination.
  • Take note of your dog's first menstrual day, in that way you can expect her next menstrual cycle and be ready for it.
I hope this few tips can help you deal with your dog during her menstruation. :) 
Thanks for reading!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dog Menstruation

Do you know that female dogs have also there menstrual cycle? Yes, they have. In fact my cousins dog name Kimchi had her first menstruation yesterday. After learning about this news, we ask her Veterinarian about it and also do some researches of our own. 

Bleeding in dogs are also known as heat period or estrous cycle which is equivalent to menstrual cycle in human being. Usually dogs heat cycle occur at age 6-12 months. For smaller breeds it may start as early as five months. For larger breeds it my take until 14 months or may be later for this to happen. Dogs menstruation last in an average of 21 days or three weeks, but may vary from 8 to 30 days. Menstrual/heat cycle of dogs happen at least twice a year or once every seven months.

There are four cycle in Dogs heat cycle/estrous cycle:
  1. Pro-estrus. This stage usually last for 4-20 days. During this phase, your female dog my show symptoms such as swelling of the vulva and clear discharge sometimes accompanied by blood and frequent urination. Some large breed dogs may not show any external signs and symptoms. 
  2. Estrus. This stage can last for 4-7 days. During this phase, your dog would be more receptive to males and allow them to mate with her. At this stage, the bleeding normally stops but there could still be swelling at the vulva region. Your female dog's secretions would also turn a lighter color.
  3. Diestrus/Metestrus. This phase is known as the false pregnancy phase. Your dog would gradually stop bleeding and would also stop from flirting from other male dogs. Prenancy would last for about 60-64 days, that is if your female dog mated successfully and got pregnant.
  4. Anestrus. This is the last phase, the time when your dog ends her heat cycle. There is no activity in the female dog's reproductive tract at this time, lasting around 5-11 months.
Sometimes it is hard to tell if your female dog is in heat. But here are some signs you may watch out for:
  • Increase urination
  • Swelling vulva, although this may not be noticeable in some dog breeds
  • Menstrual bleeding
There, that should give you some basic ideas regarding your dogs menstrual cycle. :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

How to Manage Fleas and Tick on Dogs

Although I'm not a veterinarian to discuss you on topics like this, but I think I have the right to share what I have learned on my researches regarding this topic. Oreo--my dog,  got infested with fleas and I'm in the process of getting rid of it. So if your interested, read through. :)

First and for most, you might be asking how the hell did your dog got this parasites. Well, basically they can have this infestation from stray dogs who happen to be lost in your yard. They can also acquire this from your neighbors infested dogs or in the woods where you went hiking with.  With my Oreo, he got it from dogs in our neighborhood. Basically, dogs can have fleas and ticks, but you can do something about this to prevent it from infesting your dog.

Fleas and Tick can transmit disease to our dogs. Fleas it cause our dog some allergy called flea allergy dermititis. It is manifested when your dog starts to bite, scratch and fall off their hairs. I've seen this with my Oreo. Fortunately, its still not that serious when I found out about this.

With ticks, a lot of disease can be transmitted to your dogs. Lyme disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, tularemia, ehrlichiosis are just a few of them. There are also others that can kill your dog.

Fleas and Tick Management:
Bath your dog regularly. Buy a flea shampoo from the pet shop near you and use it in bathing your dog. Lather thoroughly and deeply through the fur into the skin. Take extra care on areas like behind the ears, neck, ankles and joints. That is most of the time fleas stayed. You can use a flea comb during or after bathing. It will kill the fleas by trapping them in the comb's fine teeth and dipping it in a soapy water.

Use a dog repellent. There are several dog repellant available at the petshop. Frontline, Mace Brand Mazzule and more.

Clean your house. You should also clean your house regularly to prevent fleas and tick from living there. Vacuum your carpets and floors. Wash those beddings and pillow cases. 

Clean your yard.  You clean your yard by trimming your grass short. Leave it just bare ground. You can also use some repellent in your yard just to minimize if not eliminate the parasites. You can also build or repair your fence to avoid stray dogs inside your yard.

Povide your dog with nutritious food. These parasites love to live in a weak and malnourished dogs. Now you don't want that to happen right? So provide your dog with food less in food coloring and food preservatives. Healthy dog is much more better than a malnourished one. :)

Now, if anything else fails. Bring your dog to your Veterinarian for further procedures. They surely know what to do with your dog. :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

All about Dachshund Dog

Oreo is a dachshund dog, so I decided to do my research about him and put it here to share for everyone.

The dachshund name is of German origin which literally means badger dog, from Dachs (badger) and Hund (dog). These dog are short-legged, long-bodied dog breed belonging to the hound familly.

Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

Three Varieties of Dachshund:
  • Short-haired   
  • Wired-haired  
  • Long-haired 
Size, Weight and Height
Their are two sizes of Dachshund, the standard and Miniature.
   Height up to 8-11 inches (20-27cm.)
   Weight - over 11pounds (4.9kg.) at the age of 12 months
   Height up to 5-7 inches (13-18 cm)
   Weight 11 pounds (4.9kg) or less at age 12months

Dachshunds are a very clownish breed and can be very mischievous at times. A very intuitive dog, the Dachshund is now most commonly seen as a companion rather than a hunter. This breed loves to be around people and should never exhibit signs of aggression or timidity. The Dachshund is an all around friendly dog, is very outgoing, and is sure to steal the hearts of everyone he meets.

The Dachshund is a fun loving dog, tenacious, and lively, but can become jealous and be very irritable. This breed does not do well with smaller children, but can do very well with older and more considerate children. Due to his small size and tiny legs, this breed should not be placed in a home with larger dogs unless they were raised around each other. The Dachshund has the tendency to become jealous, however can do very well with many other toy breeds in the home providing they are not snippy.

Trademark Traits

  • Long and short
  • vigorous and muscular
  • Tenacious and high-spirited
  • Loveable
  • Loyal
  • Hardworkers
  • Great players

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Vaccine Schedules for Dog

5 weeksParvovirus: For puppies at high risk. Check with your veterinarian.
6 & 9
Combination vaccine* without leptospirosis.
Coronavirus: where coronavirus is a concern.
12 weeks
or older
Rabies: Given by your local veterinarian (age at vaccination may vary according to local law).
12 & 15
Combination vaccine*
Leptospirosis: include leptospirosis in the combination vaccine where leptospirosis is a concern, or if traveling to an area where it occurs.
Coronavirus: where coronavirus is a concern.
Lyme: where Lyme disease is a concern or if traveling to an area where it occurs.
AdultCombination vaccine*
Leptospirosis: include leptospirosis in the combination vaccine where leptospirosis is a concern, or if traveling to an area where it occurs.
Coronavirus: where coronavirus is a concern.
Lyme: where Lyme disease is a concern or if traveling to an area where it occurs.
Rabies: Given by your local veterinarian (time interval between vaccinations may vary according to local law).

Recommendations vary depending on the age, breed, and health status of the dog, the potential of the dog to be exposed to the disease, the type of vaccine, whether the dog is used for breeding, and the geographical area where the dog lives or may visit.

*A combination vaccine, often called a 5-way vaccine, usually includes adenovirus cough and hepatitis, canine distemper, parainfluenza, and parvovirus. Some combination vaccines may also include leptospirosis (7-way vaccines) and/or coronavirus. The inclusion of either canine adenovirus-1 or adenovirus-2 in a vaccine will protect against both adenovirus cough and hepatitis; adenovirus-2 is highly preferred.

**Some puppies may need additional vaccinations against parvovirus after 15 weeks of age. Consult with your local veterinarian.

Bordetella and parainfluenza: For complete canine cough protection, we recommend Intra-Trac III ADT. For dogs that are shown, in field trials, or are boarded, we recommend vaccination every six to twelve months with Intra-Trac III ADT.

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