Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Foods That Dogs Need to Avoid

You may not know this, but some foods that are good for you might be dangerous to your dog. Chocolate is just one among others. Do you know why? Read through to understand how this food affects your precious dog. 

1. Chocolate can stimulate the nervous system and the heart. Make your dog vomit, increase in thirst, tremors, seizures, restless, increased or irregular heartbeat, increase in body temperature and agitation. 

2. Macadamia Nuts can cause muscle  and Nervous system problems to your dog. Possible effects would be vomiting, weakness, tremors, lethargy and increase body temperature.

3. Avocado contains persin which damages the heart muscle. It can result to vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy.

4. Raw Yeast and Bread Dough forms gas in digestive tract; fermentation of yeast causes alcohol poisoning. Possible effects might be vomiting, diarrhea, disorientation, lethargy, distention of abdomen, difficulty breathing, lack of coordination, tremors, coma and seizures.

5. Xylitol which commonly seen on sugarless gum can cause increased insulin secretion, resulting in lower blood sugar levels. This is very poisonous to dogs. Possible effects of xylitol to dogs are diarrhea, vomiting. lethargy, seizures, jaundice and  lack of coordination, 

6. Alcoholic drinks can depress the nervous system. Possible effects are vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, disorientation, lack of coordination, tremors, coma, difficulty breathing and seizures.

7. Onions and Garlic can damage red blood cells which cause anemia. Most probably the effects would be vomiting, weakness, anemia and red-colored urine.

8. Grapes and Raisins can damage the kidney. Increased thirst, lethargy, vomiting and increase in urination are  just among other possible effects on your dog. 

These are the foods that your dog should never eat. You now understand how these food can affect them. So better keep these away from them. :) 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cesar Millan... Your Dog's Bestfriend

Have a bad temper dog? Do you want to have a dog trainer but don't know where to look for? Why don't you just watch Dog Whisperer on National Geographic Channel! 

All your questions about your dog's behavior and attitude, Cesar can answer it. And if your wondering how you can train your dog to behave, just watch the show.

I've learned a lot from this show. I hope you do too. :D 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dog Health: Ear Infection

Recently, I've noticed a lot of wounds in Oreo's ear. At times it would disappear and after awhile, it comes back again. I observe it for a month or so and realize that it was some kind of allergy that cause it. So I stop giving him something that would trigger his allergies and start treating his wounds. Anyways, I thought I might share a little information I've learned about this one.

 Dogs can commonly acquire ear infections or wounds. There are a lot of different causes, and the treatment varies from dog to dog. If you can identify what causes your dog's ear wound, then it will be a lot easier for you to treat him.

Signs that your dog might have ear infection: 

  • constant scratching and rubbing of the ear
  • foul odor coming from the ear
  • changes in behavior: tirediness, lack of appetite, and irritability
  • redness of  the inner ear

  • Allergy-- Your dog may have food allergies you didn't know. Observe what he eats, by then you'll know what food he'll get allergies from. 
  • Parasite-- Check your dog's ear for ear mites or any parasite. Usually dog can acquire them especially if their ears are big and touches the floor. 
  • Trauma-- There are certain accidents that can cause trauma. It might also be caused by fighting with cats that left wounds untreated. 

  • If your dog's ear infection is caused by a food allergy, then restrain him from eating that kind of food. 
  • If its parasite, clean your dog's ear and apply medication. Apply medication that your veterinarian prescribed you. There are also shampoos available in the market that you can use. REMEMBER: Always consult your vet before giving or applying any medication to your dog. 
  • If your dogs have ear wounds that left untreated, treat it regularly. You can apply betadine. Its fine to use this medication on your dog. 
Hope this gives you an idea how to deal with that ear infection or wound on your dog. Oreo has been doing great and I started restraining him from eating food that can trigger his allergies. His wounds have been healing , and I'm happy it did. 
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